
Amy Key: 1980s and 90s, Friday night Athletics on the telly

Watching the Olympic Games or other major athletic events always reminds me of the evenings I spent with my Grandma Eva. I'd stay with her every Friday night.

We'd watch some silly sitcoms together and then she'd let me watch the Friday night athletic meets on TV - often at nearby Gateshead Stadium. This was in the late 80s/early 90s and I was a big fan of athletes like Linford Christie, Colin Jackson, Roger Black and Sally Gunnell.

My Gran developed vascular dementia later in life and died in 2011. I always think of her.

Amy Key

Amy is the acting head of policy communications, social care, local government and care partnerships @dhgovuk. Leading on #dementiachallenge comms.

Follow Amy on Twitter @AmyatDH

Memory added on April 23, 2013

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